Smartphones Offer Unique Medical Recordkeeping Capabilities For Parents

Since smartphones came onto the market, they’ve become more powerful, have constantly grown in terms of storage capacity and have benefited from faster network connections. App designers have taken this capacity and utilized it to increase the practical value of smartphones and that effort has come to include developing apps that allow the devices to be very effective for storing medical information.

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Centralized Information

Nearly every parent has likely dealt with situations where going to a physician has involved being asked for information on their child that the parent didn’t have or finding out that information about the child was recorded incorrectly. This can lead to a great deal of frustration, compromised care and children not being given the treatments they need or, in the worst cases, being given treatments that are precisely the wrong ones for them, and possibly harmful.


In many of these situations, what parents lack is information. Information on allergies, for instance, oftentimes changes very quickly for children, as new ones are discovered all the time in some cases. Such information is vital for physicians, parents and, of course, the child themselves, and having that information on paper isn’t always the most convenient or useful way of storing it.

From Entertainment to Treatment

Smartphones apps have been constantly improved upon in most cases, but many of them were directed toward entertainment tor social networking. For instance, some smartphones come pre-loaded with apps that take all of the owner’s social network accounts, email accounts and so forth and tie them together in one overarching account that makes it easier to manage contacts, communications and other information. The capacity of smartphones to handle information so efficiently was not lost on medical apps developers and that capacity is central to how the apps designed to help families store and access medical information are designed.


Medical information might be complex for people to deal with but, from a digital perspective, there’s not that much to it. It’s largely text, with some photographs and miscellaneous other information. This type of information doesn’t overtax the storage capacity of a modern smartphone, and processing that information is certainly not beyond the capabilities of the hardware in these devices. This means that it’s possible to create apps that allow parents to store, access and search information related to the children’s medical history.

One of the other logistical hurdles about medical information is that, in paper form, it tends to come in so many different formats that it can be difficult for parents to keep track of what they need to do for their children as far as their metal could care goes. Medical apps allow parents to take notes on the fly, in their doctor’s office and to have them immediately accessible. Some of the apps allow parents to store pictures, which can be incredibly useful as a way of documenting complex procedures.


Medical information is among the most confidential of all information that people have. Smartphones have been improved tremendously in terms of their security. Users who employ medical apps may want to improve their security habits to ensure that they are sufficient to protect the information that they have stored on their smartphones.

With good security, and the capacity to store and access the information in logical and practical ways makes medical apps among the easiest tools for record keeping related to children and their health needs. With these apps, parents have faster, more comprehensive and easier to update information about their child and, of course, that information can be easily backed up to ensure that it isn’t lost.

Ben Blanchard is the Programming Services Manager for Acadian, the creator of the Family Medical Manager app. The Family Medical Manager app is the definitive medical record app for families and individuals.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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