Huawei’s sub-brand Honor has launched its latest Android smartphone called the Honor V20 in China. The Honor V20 as its key highlight features a 25MP Punch-Hole selfie camera. The Honor V20 looks so clean with its 6.4-inch full-view display. However, you would find a selfie camera punched under the display at the left top corner, other than this you won’t find anything else on the screen. Another key highlight of the Honor V20 48MP Rear Camera, which according to Honor “industry-first 48MP rear camera with Sony IMX586 sensor”.
Honor V20 Specifications
The Honor V20 runs Android 9 Pie-based EMUI 9 and supports dual SIM. The device is powered by Huawei’s 7nm-based Kirin 980 SoC and comes in three different storage and RAM variants including, 6GB+128GB, 8GB+128GB, and a special edition that comes with 8GB and 256GB storage.
The Honor V20 comes with bigger 4,000mAh battery and a fingerprint sensor at the back.
Honor V20 Price and Availability
The Honor V20 has been priced at CNY 2,999 in China for the base 6GB RAM and 128GB storage variant going all the way to CNY 3,499 for 8GB RAM and 128GB storage variant. On the other hand, The special edition of the Honor V20 has been priced at CNY 3,999. The Honor V20 will be available in three different color options including Red, Black, and Blue.
Honor is expected to launch the device in other markets on January 22 including India too. Although, Honor is yet to confirm the launch date for India.