As expected, Xiaomi today finally launched its new mid-range smartphone the Xiaomi Mi Play in China. Surprisingly, the Xiaomi Mi Play has been priced way cheaper than what it was being predicted before. The new Xiaomi Mi Play has been priced at 1099 yuan, around (Rs. 11,200 INR) for the 4GB RAM and 64GB storage variant. However, this is the only variant which is currently available to buy from the Xiaomi Mi online store in China.
However, the device was previously reported to come with 6GB RAM and couple with 64GB/128GB storage. The Mi Play is powered by MediaTek Helio P35 and features a 5.84-inch Full HD+ display with 1080 x 2280 FHD+ resolution, 432 PPI and 19:9 screen ratio.
The phone is available in three different color options including Black, Dream Blue, and Dawn Gold color options.
As for the cameras, the Xiaomi Mi Play sports a 12-megapixel dual rear camera staged vertically on the left top corner. On the front, there is an 8MP selfie camera.
The device also features a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor at the back. To fuel the device, there is a 3000mAh battery that supports 5V2A charging. As its launch offer, the Mi Play in China will be available with 10GB built-in monthly high-speed data for one whole year.