Xiaomi has finally launched its latest smartphone under its new sub-brand Redmi called the Redmi Note 7 in China. The new Redmi Note 7 as its main key highlights features a 48-megapixel camera and a secondary 5-megapixel camera at the back. The phone also features 2.5D curved glass at the back that looks nice. The phone was recently leaked showing the device durability in a live test video.
Redmi Note 7 Price, Specifications and Availability
The Redmi Note 7 features a 6.3-inch, Full HD+ resolution display with a water drop notch. You get a pretty small notch on the Redmi Note 7 compared to the Notch on the Redmi Note 6 Pro and Redmi Note 5 Pro.
The phone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor coupled with three different RAM and storage variants including 3GB/4GB/6GB RAM and 32GB/64GB storage options.
On the camera side, the phone sports a dual rear 48MP+5MP camera at the back. On the front, there is a 13MP camera. The phone has a 4000 mAh battery and also comes with a USB type-C port that also support 18W Quick Charge 4.0.
The Redmi Note 7 Price starts at Yuan 999 (around Rs 10,000) for the 3GB RAM and 32GB storage option. The 4GB RAM and 64GB storage version will cost Yuan 1199 (around Rs 12,000). Lastly, the Redmi Note 7 with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage has been priced at Yuan 1399 (around Rs 14,000).
Redmi Note 7 will go on its first sale in China starting January 14, 2019.