Xiaomi recently revealed that it will officially announce Redmi as an independent brand on January 10. Xiaomi is also expected to launch the first Redmi branded smartphone with a 48-megapixel AI camera on the same date. The upcoming Redmi smartphone has also been spotted on Chinese benchmarking sites Geekbench and TENAA.
Now, the first Redmi branded phone has appeared in a new leaked video demonstrating the device durability test. The video shows a group of six to seven people jumping on the device. The video further reveals that a guy picks up the device and shows that the phone gets no damage from both front and back sides from the jump.
First Redmi Branded Smartphone Durability Test Video
The guy holding the new Redmi device has the blue color variant. We can also see the display to have a waterdrop Notch at the front. The phone appears to have a dual rear camera setup at the back with LED flash.
Except for the above details, we don’t have any other information about the first Redmi branded device. Th device will be officially launched on January and then we will be getting the official pricing and the full specs the device as well.