Realme recently confirms that it launches the Realme 3 on March 4 in India. In a recent teaser image of the Realme 3, the company showed us the upcoming device from its back and also revealed that the Realme 3 will feature a dual vertically stagged rear camera setup. Now, we have the first live image of the upcoming Realme 3 showing up the device from its front side. The new Realme 3 leaked image shared today by the popular tipster Ishan Agarwal on its Twitter account.
Exclusive: Here’s your first look at the front of Realme’s upcoming smartphone, the Realme 3 showing us the amazing benchmark score of the Helio P70 Chipset. The Phone seems to have a Dewdrop Notch and Android Pie (ColorOS 6.0 I guess!). Thoughts? #Realme3 #Realme #PowerYourStyle
— Ishan Agarwal (@ishanagarwal24) February 25, 2019
The image he shared today showed us the Realme 3 from its front side, but there are no exceptions though. The display features waterdrop notch and the bottom chin is also very low. Realme also expected to launch its new A-series smartphone called the Realme A1.
To recall, the entry-level Realme A1 was first leaked last year in December, however, there are no other details available about the device as of now.
Now let’s talk about the specifications of the Realme 3
Realme has so far confirmed a lot of details about its upcoming Realme 3 smartphone. The Realme 3 come running on ColorOS 6.0 based Android 9 Pie. The phone will be powered by MediaTek Helio P70 processor and will feature a dual rear camera setup. However, camera configurations are not yet known. We expect that the Realme 3 could come in 4GB or 6GB RAM option with up to 128GB storage.
The Realme 3 launch event will take place on March 4, at Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi India. The official post also says that every Realme 3 launch attendee will get gift’s worth ₹2k+.
We will update you with more details as they arrive.