Xiaomi launched its big screen smartphone the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 in China last year. However, soon after the Mi Mix 3 launch, we got some report suggesting that Xiaomi will soon launch a new 5G variant of its Mi Mix 3 device. Earlier last month, we also got a leaked poster which revealed that Xiaomi will launch Mi Mix 3 5G variant on February 24. Today, Xiaomi finally launched its first 5G phone called the Mi Mix 3 5G priced at 599€ ($680) and (Rs. 48,000 INR)
Xiaomi launched the new Mi Mix 3 5G smartphone at its global launch event in Barcelona, Spain. The new Mi Mix 3 5G variant features a hugely upgraded hardware than its predecessor and most notably one is the G5 compatibility.
The #5G era has arrived!
The @Qualcomm #Snapdragon855 processor and #MiMIX3 come together for one powerful 5G experience. #5GIsHere pic.twitter.com/whFTUuxOLf
— Mi (@xiaomi) February 24, 2019
Last year launched Mi Mix 3 was the first Xiaomi device to come with a 10GB RAM coupled with Snapdragon 845 SoC. Now, the new Mi Mix 3 5G variants pack the latest 7nm based Snapdragon 855 SoC couple with Qualcomm’s X50 5G modem. As reported earlier, the New Mi Mix 3 is said to deliver up to 2 Gbps of download speed.
The new Mi Mix 3 5G comes with 6.39-inch AMOLED full-screen display with 93.4% screen-to-body ratio. The device features a magnetic slider back panel, similar to the older Mi Mix 3. The phone also includes a Hybrid Cooling System to keep the phone cool while gaming.
Alongside the new Mi Mix 3 5G variant, Xiaomi also announced its Mi 9 smartphone globally. Notably, Mi 9 is the Xiaomi’s first flagship of 2019. All the three Xiaomi devices including Mi 9, Mi 9 SE and Mi 9 Transparent Edition comes with a triple rear camera setup, out which one is a 48-megapixel shooter. Other key highlights of these devices include a water drop notch, triple rear camera setup, SD 855 SoC and 12GB RAM etc.