Realme 3 is set to launch in India on March 4 and there are just two more days to go. Ahead of the Official launch of the Realme 3, we have already been confirmed that the Realme 3 will come with the dual rear camera, MediaTek Helio P70 processor, teardrop notched display, 4230mAh battery and above all ColorOS 6.0 based Android 9 Pie. Now, if you are not sure what new features and improvements Realme 3 will bring with the new ColorOS 6 based on Android 9 Pie. Realme has shared some of the new features which I have listed below as the top 6 features of ColorOS 6 for the Realme 3 smartphone.
1- New UI
With the new ColorOS 6, you get a new borderless clean UI interface. The new ColorOS 6 features a lot of white and gradient backgrounds to make the user interface simpler and more spacious. You can also rearrange any of the setting tabs according to your need.
2. Improved Game Space
The new ColorOS 6 also comes with improved game space including revamped UI, optimizations, and lots of added features. Now you can tweak Realme 3 device with new game space optimization. You can set the gaming performance to high to low. The improved game space also optimizes your battery and you can also enable the auto brightness option while gaming.
3. App Drawer
ColorOS 6 also comes with an app drawer and a search bar so you can easily search any apps quickly with the help of a search bar.
4. Smart Gestures
With the ColorOS 6, you get even more ways to customize gestures to open an app/function instantly, which enhance your smartphone experience. You can also assign your favorite apps by using the new gestures settings.
5. Improved Smart Assistant
The latest ColorOS 6 on the new Realme 3 also brings a new redesigned Smart assistant that will keep you aware of all your upcoming meetings, travel bookings, and events.
6. Smart Driving
Including the Smart Driving feature, Realme is encouraging its fans not to use smartphones while driving. With the latest ColorOS 6, users will get new two modes – Driving mode for cars and Riding modes for the motorcycle.
Realme 3 seems a pretty solid device to me if it achieves a price between 10 to 15k Indian Rupees. With MediaTek Helio P70 processor and 4230mAh battery, the Realme 3 is definitely going to give a tough competition to recently launched Samsung Galaxy A50 and Galaxy M30.