Xiaomi India now has a new teaser image that confirms that there will be a new device launch on May 20 called the new Redmi Note 7S. The upcoming Redmi Note 7S will actually follow the recently launched Redmi Note 7 series smartphone that includes the Redmi Note 7 ad the Redmi Note 7 Pro. I would like to recall you that, the Redmi Note 7 Pro was the first Redmi phone that came with a 48MP camera. Now the upcoming Redmi Note 7S will be second in the line of Redmi’s 48MP camera phone line up.
Similar to the Redmi Note 7 Pro, the coming Redmi Note 7S is likely to come with dual rear camera setup including a main 48MP sensor. However, Xiaomi hasn’t shared any other details regarding the upcoming Redmi Note 7S smartphone. Hopefully, we will know more on its official release date on May 20.
Meanwhile, you can check out the official teaser tweet below.
This is the #RedmiNote you’ve been waiting for! ?#RedmiNote7S with a Super #48MP camera is coming on 20th May!
Know more: https://t.co/KMvcxG1eHb #48MPForEveryone pic.twitter.com/G5YQt2mO6h
— Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) May 16, 2019