A year after, Xiaomi has finally brought the latest stable Android 9 Pie version by releasing the latest MIUI 10.3.2 update to Redmi Note 6 Pro in India. The latest MIUI 10.3.2 update is now rolling out for all variants of the Redmi Note 6 Pro globally with version number MIUI PEKMIXM and it also brings the latest April security patch and other key features of Android 9 Pie.
The latest MIUI update reportedly weighs at 1.7GB in size and currently rolling out in batches. However, if you want you can also check out for the update manually, by heading to your phone’s Settings > About Phone > System Update and check for new updates.
To recall, the Redmi Note 6 Pro was launch back in November last year in India running on Android Oreo 8.1.