In addition to Jio’s Rs. 599 2GB/Day, Rs. 555 1.5GB/Day data packs that come with 84-days validity. Reliance Jio has launched and added a new Rs. 999 plan to its 3GB/Day data packs to provide more data for less price to its users. The new Rs. 999 plan comes with a total of 252GB data 3GB per day with 84 days validity.
The new Jio Rs. 999 plan also includes unlimited Jio to Jio voice calls, 3000 Jio to Non-Jio FUP minutes, 100 SMS/day, and Complimentary subscription to JioApps including JioCinema, Jio Savaan and more.
All the above-mentioned plans including Rs. 555, Rs. 599, and Rs. 999 from Jio come as quarterly plans and offers 1.5GB, 2GB, and 3GB high-speed 4 data (Post which unlimited @ 64 Kbps) with a validity of 84 days.
Total Data You Get With Each Plan
- Rs. 555 Plan, Total Data 168GB, Validity 84 Days
- Rs. 599 Plan, Total Data 126GB, Validity 84 Days
- Rs. 999 Plan, Total Data 252GB, Validity 84 Days
Jio Rs. 2399 Annual Plan
If you want more data with the longer validity then you can also go with Jio’s Rs. 2399 annual plan that offers 2GB every day for a period of 365 days providing you with a total of 730GB of high-speed 4G data (post which unlimited @ 64 Kbps).
The Rs. 2399 pack also comes with unlimited Jio to Jio voice calls, 12000 Jio to Non-Jio FUP minutes, 100 SMS/day, and Complimentary subscription to JioApps including JioCinema, Jio Savaan and more.
Which plan do you like the most?do let me know in the comments section down below.