5 Digital Marketing Techniques Everybody Should Be Using

Digital Marketing

It’s a well-known fact that getting your brand out there is next to impossible without digital marketing. According to Statista, there are over 4.57 billion people in the world who are online. That’s over half the world’s population and counting. Without digital marketing, you lose out on this growing market, and would very likely be overtaken by your competitors.

While digital marketing isn’t exactly a one-size-fits-all approach, there are certain tools and techniques that every business should be making use of. Take a look at our top five below.


Social Media

Anybody who’s on the Internet is probably on social media. It’s one of the best multipurpose digital marketing tools out there. As we discussed in our article ‘Is Social Media Really Necessary for Marketing a Business?’, social media performs a variety of functions that are essential for online marketing. You can use it to promote your products or services, reach out to new customers and connect with old ones, or even simply share information about your brand. No digital marketing strategy is complete without it.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has been part of the digital marketing arsenal since the very beginning of the Internet. Statistics collected by Business 2 Community, show that 68% of millennial consumers said that email marketing influenced their purchase decisions. Cheap, fast, and with an incredible reach, email marketing is a cornerstone of digital marketing, and not something you should be doing without.

SMS Marketing

Many entrepreneurs disregard this very powerful tool without even knowing its true potential. Text messages have the highest open rates of all channels, and if you know how to craft them without being too intrusive, you can produce some very nice results. Whether it’s reminders, discount alerts, or any other type of SMS, there’s no denying that business texts are extremely effective. By using a web to text service, you can easily run your campaigns from one dashboard.

Video Marketing

One of the fastest-growing trends in digital marketing today is undoubtedly video marketing. Entrepreneur lists the many benefits of turning to video, including longer stays on websites. Research shows that the average user spends up to 88% longer on a website or page that has video, which can be a huge boost for companies big and small. Because video content is so engaging and information-rich, it’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to hook new and old customers. Plus, it can be combined with other techniques like social media marketing.


You’ve probably heard of digital advertising, but there’s one way to take it a step further and make it even better: geofencing. Geofencing is a service that allows you to send targeted ads to consumers when they enter a certain area, which could be inside your store or your competitors’ stores. Triadex Services states that geofencing, also known as location-based marketing, can enhance campaigns and pull in customers at minimal costs to you. With geofencing, every digital ad of yours is going to be shown at the right place, right time.

Search Engine Optimization

Finally, one of the top tools you’ll need for effective digital marketing is search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Search Engine Journal reports that organic searches are a huge factor in the consumer purchase journey, and one way to turn that to your favor is through SEO.

With proper SEO, you can establish your brand or company as an authority in your field, improve user experience, traffic, and engagement, and even collect data that can elevate future campaigns. It’s one of the foundational tools of new marketing, and one that you need to be wielding today.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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