Battlegrounds Mobile India has already been announced officially and the pre-registration for the game is also underway in India on the Google Play Store. But, what every PUBG lover in India still waiting for is an actual launch date for the Battlegrounds Mobile India in the country. So, when Battlegrounds Mobile India is actually going to launch in India?
According to a new report Battlegrounds Mobile India could launch on June 18, a month after pre-registration went live. Notably, Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registrations started on May 18 following its official announcements earlier this month.
On the other side, the majority of the community users believe that Battlegrounds Mobile India could release on June 10.
The latest report comes from IGN India, where sources in the industry have claimed that the Battlegrounds Mobile India release date is June 18. However, Krafton hasan’t made anything official on the release yet.
According to the support page on the game’s official website states that Krafton is yet to determine when it would launch Battlegrounds Mobile India in the country. “We are still in the process of finalising the launch date, we will keep our fans informed on further developments,” reads a page on the official Battlegrounds Mobile India site.
So, what you believe could be the official release date for Battlegrounds Mobile India?
Battlegrounds Mobile India will a free-to-play battle royale game. The game will also come exclusive in-game events like outfits and features and have its own esports ecosystem with tournaments and leagues.
Users pre-registering for the game will also receive 4 amazing pre-registration rewards including the Recon Mask, the Recon Outfit, Celebration Expert Title, and 300 AG.