12 Ways to Protect Yourself from Prying Eyes: Computer Security

Computer Security

Have you ever had that feeling of unease when you know someone has been in your personal space when you weren’t looking? It’s like they were in your business, going through your stuff. Well, the same thing can happen with your computer. You may not even realize it until it gets too late and your data is already compromised. Whether you’re using a laptop or desktop, there are ways to secure your system and keep those nosy people out. Check out these twelve best ways to do just that!

Install a firewall and keep it up to date:

A firewall is your first line of defense against intruders. Ensure it’s turned on and up to date and that only authorized programs are allowed through. It works by monitoring all incoming and outgoing messages between your computer and the outside world, alerting you when it detects anything suspicious. Plus, it can help prevent your system from being used as a carrier for malware.


Install anti-virus software:

It is always recommended to have multiple layers of protection in place, so install anti-virus software and keep it up to date. You never know when an intruder might strike, so make sure you’re prepared before they do. It will work by scanning everything that comes into contact with your computer, including email attachments and downloads on the web, looking for any sign of suspicious or malicious code that could be trying to access or damage valuable data stored on your computer. You can check McAfee livesafe vs total protection to see which one is suitable for your needs.

Update your software regularly:

Software updates often include security patches that fix problems in the program. Make sure you install them as soon as they’re available. Doing this can help prevent attackers from finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in your system. Moreover, always make sure that you’re using the latest version of the software. For instance, if you still have Windows XP, it’s time for an upgrade.

Use strong passwords:

Passwords are the first line of defense against hackers, so make sure they’re secure. Use a combination of numbers, symbols, capital letters, and lowercase letters to create an unbreakable password that’s easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.

Change it up every couple of months or so (or if someone gets hold of it). And don’t forget about all those other online accounts, too, like banking or shopping websites!

The stronger these passwords are, the better protected your identity will be should one get stolen by cybercriminals who try using them elsewhere on other sites where you have logins set up. Avoid using common words or phrases as your passwords, as these are the first ones that hackers try to crack.

Be careful what you download:

Only download files from trusted sources, and be especially wary of programs that come from unknown email addresses. You could be getting something that has malware hidden inside it, which can make your system vulnerable to malicious software. So make sure you know what you’re downloading and who is sending it to you before clicking that “open” button.

Don’t open suspicious attachments:

You should never click on an attachment, no matter how innocent it seems (or not so much), because this is one of the easiest ways to prevent viruses and other harmful things like ransomware from entering your computer. If you’re not sure if an attachment is safe, it’s best just to delete it and move on.

Enable two-factor authentication:

Two-factor authentication is another good way to beef up your computer security. This means that in addition to your username and password, you’ll also need to enter a code or pin that’s sent to your phone or email before you can log into your account. This is a great way to keep your accounts safe from hackers, but remember that it can be cumbersome if you use different passwords for all of your online activities.

Keep an eye on what files are being downloaded:

If you’re downloading something new or suspicious, always check beforehand and make sure it’s actually the file you want to download by checking its MD/hash sum (or whatever they call those long strings of letters and numbers) against some sort of database like VirusTotal. You can also run some quick searches on Google before hitting ‘download’. This will at least save you some time later on when trying to determine whether or not any malicious software has made its way onto your computer. Stay private with private browsing mode:

Lockdown those ports:

You can go into all sorts of settings in Windows (or whatever OS you happen to be using) regarding internet security, but at the end of the day, about 90% will leave their browser open or unprotected when away from home. So make sure you lock down your ports so unauthorized users can’t gain access to your system. Plus, it will help protect you against that ‘man in the middle attack.

Use VPN:

One way to keep all of those nosy people out is by using Virtual Private Networking, also known as VPN for short. This technique encrypts data sent over public channels, so it’s not just hackers who won’t get into your system but anyone trying to pry their eyes into what you’re doing on the web.

Back-up regularly:

If you have a backup plan in place, then if any damage does happen as a result of someone snooping around illegally, at least you won’t lose too many files or data since they are all backed up somewhere else. Plus, it’s always a good idea to have multiple copies of anything important just in case.

Watch out for phishing scams:

Phishers try to steal your personal information by sending fraudulent emails disguised as legitimate ones from banks, retailers, or other companies. Don’t click on any links or open any attachments in suspicious emails. If you want to know if an email is real or fake, don’t open it. Instead, forward the message to your bank or retailer’s security department for verification.


By following these simple tips, you can keep your computer and personal information safe from prying eyes. Stay vigilant and be sure to take these precautions every time you use your device. Have happy and safe computing!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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