Various Types of Quadrilaterals


All closed figures have a definite shape. A shape of an object can vary depending on the measurements and numbers of sides and angles. When a closed shape has four sides, among which any three sides are non-collinear to each other, it is called a quadrilateral. A quadrilateral is any closed figure with four vertices, four sides, and four angles. There can be various types of quadrilaterals. A quadrilateral may take any external shape, but its main properties, i.e. four sides, four vertices, and all its angles constituting a 360o will not change.

The term quadrilateral is derived from a Latin word where ‘quadra’ means four and ‘latus’ means sides. The sides of a quadrilateral can be equal, parallel, unequal, or even irregular, and its measurements can vary while its angles will always add up to a 360o. Such characteristics form the different types of quadrilateral shapes. Now, let us discuss the six different types of quadrilaterals to get a better idea.


Different types of Quadrilaterals:

Trapezium: Trapezium is a type of quadrilateral where two sides of the shape are parallel to each other. In this quadrilateral shape, there may not be four equal sides, but it is necessary to have one pair of sides that are parallel. Suppose there is a shape with four sides named A, B, C, and D, then side AB can be parallel to side DC.

Rectangle: A rectangle is one of the most common types of quadrilateral shapes. In a rectangle, all the angles are perpendicular to each other or at the right angle. All the angles in a rectangle measure equal, i.e. 90o. The two pairs of opposite sides are equal in length and parallel to each other. Since all its sides are parallel, it can also be called a type of parallelogram.

Parallelogram: By looking at its name, we can understand that a parallelogram is a shape where all its opposite sides are parallel to each other. Its opposite angles are equal in measure, and its opposite sides are equal in length and parallel to each other. A parallelogram has two diagonals that bisect each other at midpoints.

Square: It is the most common type of quadrilateral that we have been studying since primary school.  All four sides are equal in this shape. In a square, all the angles are also equal. Every angle is at 90o measurement. And the pair of opposite sides are parallel to each other.

Rhombus: It is a type of quadrilateral with equal lengths on all four sides. It is also a type of parallelogram, but here all sides are equal. A rhombus is a quadrilateral that looks like a parallelogram when it makes a resemblance to a square regarding the lengths of the sides. The opposite angles of a rhombus are equal, and opposite sides are parallel. Rhombus is also called a diamond.

Kite: As the name suggests, a kite is a quadrilateral that looks like a literal kite. It is a shape where two pairs of sides are equal in length. They are also adjacent to each other. A kite has perpendicular diagonals.

So we learn that not every object that we see is a square or rectangle. It can be so many other shapes too. It can be a trapezium or even a rhombus. An object can also constitute a pentagon shape and not necessarily only quadrilateral shapes. After understanding this, we will now have a clearer perception of different shapes and their types every time we see a new object or a figure.

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Next time you see a piece of cloth, make sure to compare and find a conclusion to test yourself!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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