Dungeon Color Coming to Switch on March 10 2022

Dungeon Color

The top-down puzzle game Dungeon Color is coming to Switch on March 10, 2022. The player must use their brains and their flames to solve puzzles and open doors. Changing from one flame to another will help the player get to the exit.

Each room contains special obstacles that need to be solved in order to progress through them. Players must switch between the flames to achieve a rainbow in each room.


The game is developed by QUByte Interactive, the largest Latin American publisher on consoles. It is a game developer that makes games and develops publishing partnerships. It is set to arrive on Switch on March 10 2022.

Its designer and programmer Gagonfe is behind the development of the game. He has worked on “Doomed to Hell” and “Arcadia”.

The game is a top-down puzzle game in which the player switches between flames to get the desired color. They need to match colors to open doors.

Some doors can only be opened when they match a color, while others only open when they match two different colors. As a result, the player needs to use their brain to find the exit. It’s a very different type of puzzle game, but it looks like a lot of fun.

Dungeon Color will also be available on Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4 March 10, 2022

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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