Awesome New Technologies Being Used in Medicine Today

The field of medicine has seen a technological revolution, with new technologies becoming available all the time. As health care reform places an even greater emphasis on improving technology to make medical care more efficient, many companies have started to market their wares to hospitals and medical facilities. The five most important technologies that are emerging in the upcoming year can make diagnosis more effective and cut down on error and cost.

New Technologies Being Used in Medicine Today
Image Courtesy: wtvox

Reducing Unnecessary Biopsies
Biopsies have long been the only sure way to determine whether a mole is cancerous. A new technology that uses an optical scanner to conduct a multispectral analysis of the structure of tissue is helping to reduce unneeded and costly biopsies. The scanner provides doctors with extra information, so the doctor can make a better educated guess on which moles to send for biopsy. Since biopsies often leave scars, this option is a good way to help reduce physical blemishes as well.

Digital Aspirin Technology
Any doctor of an occupational therapy program from RMUoHP will know the importance of effective and non-addictive pain relievers. Coming soon a new technology by Autonomic Technologies, Inc. may be able to provide an electronic means of controlling headaches. This device blocks SPG signals when a headache first flairs so it can help people who suffer from chronic headaches, migraines, and other issues. The technology requires an implant, but it can be a real lifesaver for people who don’t respond well to traditional medications.


Eye Control Technology
New technology now exists that aim to give people who have lost the ability to speak the gift of speech again. It lets severely disabled individuals communicate using only their eyes. This technology will make it much easier for those who need to communicate, but have lost the ability due to paralysis, disease, or other degenerative or traumatic conditions. The technology can help people regain access to society and function more normal and fulfilling lives. The technology consists of a device built to recognize eye movement, and a speaker that translates those eye movements into spoken words.

Breakthrough Genetic Technology
Genetic engineering has caused alarm for many people concerned about safety but new methods have emerged that makes it possible to directly edit the genetic code of plants and make them better for you, or resistant to harsh climates. It’s becoming possible to disable genes which are known to cause cancer and it’s even possible to protect against viruses with this type of genetic technology. People will be able to use it to scan for issues with pregnancies, and medical procedures can be implemented to help protect others. The technology can assist the treatment of many diseases that are assisted by changes in DNA.

Digital Genome Mapping
The initial sequencing of the 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA took several years and costs millions of dollars to complete. Since then, the human genome can be digitized in just minutes for a couple hundred dollars. This revolution means more personalized healthcare that more effectively treats problems and diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and other components with a genetic counterpart can help to inform a doctor about the appropriate course of action to take. The knowledge obtained from this information is already being used by doctors to determine more effective treatment options, and has been especially useful for patients dealing with cancer.

As medical technology continues to improve, there is going to be a greater increase in jobs in the health sector. Well-trained professionals will be needed who can analyze data, work effectively with patients and adapt to a dynamic and constantly developing field. The future of health is here, and people with the right education are making a real difference in people’s lives.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:

He is a passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur, Writer and Thinker. He has been blogging from last couple of years and love every thing about it. He covers almost every thing related to technology on his Blog,

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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