Sony has confirmed to launch its new 500 GB PS4 Fortnite Bundle with Exclusive Skin and V-Bucks included in the game. The new 500 GB PS4 Fortnite Bundle pack revealed through the Playstation Italia Facebook page on June 21.
The post confirmed that the new PS4 Fortnite Bundle will be available for purchase on July 16th. unfortunately, Sony didn’t share the price of the pack but we expect its price to be lower than any other existing bundled and the price of the PvE mode ‘Save the World‘ which is also included in the pack which was released as Early Access priced at 39.99 euros.
The post further revealed that the new PS4 Fortnite Bundle will also include a new “Royal Bomber” skin and 500 V-Buck to spend in the game store.
Now, if you are a big fan of Fortnite and were considering to buy the new PS4 then I think you wouldn’t mind going with this upcoming Fortnite PS4 bundle.
Fortnite is one of the most popular Co-Op game of all times which currently has more than 125 million active players including different gaming platforms on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, iPhone, iPad and Nintendo Switch.