Xiaomi on Tuesday announced that it will launch its next generation Mi Mix 3 smartphone on October 25, which will be the world’s first device to come with 5G network support. However, there weren’t any specs details available until today. But now Xiaomi has officially revealed that it upcoming Mi Mix 3 smartphone will come with a whopping 10GB RAM variant.
Xiaomi via its official Weibo account shared a new poster image today which reads, “The heart is big enough and things are small. 10GB of large memory, Xiaomi MIX3 More than just a full screen slide. New product launch, countdown to 8 days.”
This is not the first time we are hearing about a smartphone to come with 10 GB RAM. Recently, a new Oppo Find X variant was spotted on Chinese certification site Tenaa.
However, the upcoming Mi Mix 3 will also features a slider back panel this time. The device is widely expected to come with Snapdragon 845 SoC coupled with up to 10 GB of RAM, as confirmed by the company. As for the storage, the Mi Mix 3 is expected to come with a maximum 256GB of storage limit.
No other specs details are available as yet. The Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 will be launched on October 25 in Beijing China.