Just a day after Xiaomi officially confirmed the launch date of its Redmi Note 7 in India on 28th February. It looks like, we finally have another official confirmation for the Pro version of the Redmi Note 7 from the Chinese manufacturer. A new official teaser poster of the upcoming Redmi Note 7 Pro has been shared by Redmi on its official Weibo account. The poster now officially confirms that Redmi Note 7 Pro will be launch soon. However, the exact release date and other details are still unknown.
According to the iThomes report and official Weibo post from the Xiaomi’ Vice President and Redmi Brand General Manager Hiroshi Miki, the upcoming Redmi Note 7 Pro will be launched after Xiaomi Mi 9. Notably, the Mi 9 is set to launch on February 20 in China and February 24 globally at MWC in Barcelona Spain.
Earlier today Xiaomi also confirmed that it will launch a new high-end variant of its Mi 9 smartphone. The new Mi 9 will feature a transparent back panel like seen on the Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer Edition. Other big highlights of the newly announced Mi 9 would be Snapdragon 855 SoC and triple rear camera setup.