LG is expected to launch its new flagship smartphone at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this month. The new device is most likely to be the upcoming LG G8 ThinQ which was recently leaked in a new press render revealing the device to come with display Notch, Dual Rear Camera and more. A recent teaser video from LG has also shown us the upcoming flagship device to be coming with something called with Air Gestures with no Physical Touch Functionality.
Now a new report has emerged suggesting that the upcoming LG G8 ThinQ will sport a front camera equipped with Time-of-Flight (ToF) and 3D sensing technology. The Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology is said to improve the selfie shots taken from the phone, while the 3D sensing technology will increase the accuracy of its 3D face recognition system.
According to the report, the new features will enable users to take better selfies. At the same time, the ToF and 3D sensing technology will also reduce the workload on the processor, thereby reducing the battery consumption.
The upcoming LG G8 ThinQ is expected to be powered by Snapdragon 855 SoC with support for the 5G network. The device is expected to come with 6GB of RAM and expandable storage up to 2TB via micro SD card.
For now, we only have this sort of information about LG’s upcoming device. However, we will be getting more details in next coming days as LG has started wrapping up the fold from its device.