WhatsApp for iOS has just received a new 2.19.20 version on the Apple App Store. The latest WhatsApp update for iOS now brings support for biometric authentication that will now let iOS users to ‘lock’ or ‘unlock’ the app using the Face ID or Touch ID. Now the new feature will now provide an extra lair of protection to the WhatsApp.
Users can get the new feature by updating to the latest version, 2.19.20. To enable the feature can head to the “Settings” > “Account” > “Privacy” and then “Screen Lock” on.
WhatsApp 2.19.20 Changelog
• You can now require Face ID or Touch ID to unlock WhatsApp. Tap “Settings” > “Account” > “Privacy” and enable Screen Lock.
To recall, WhatsApp recently rolled out the forward messages limit to five chats globally, whih was previously only limited to India.