Earlier today we reported that Xiaomi will launch its upcoming flagship Mi 9 smartphone on February 20 in China. Notably, this is the same date when Samsung will also unveil its new Galaxy S10 line up, including the Galaxy S10, S10E, and S10+. However, ahead of its official launch we now have a couple of new real-life images of the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 9 leaked on the internet. The images of the Xaomi Mi 9 has been posted by several reliable Twitter source including IceUniverse, bang gogo and TechNavvi.
Someone leaked Xiaomi 9, what do you think?? pic.twitter.com/vI6FPt5PvI
— Ice universe (@UniverseIce) February 13, 2019
The new leaked images appear to be taken from the Chinese social media site Weibo. The new Xiaomi Mi 9 appears to be the same blue color variant which was recently leaked in the hands of Xiaomi’s product director Wang Teng.
#xiaomi #mi9 pic.twitter.com/EJK7iZ0HQb
— ? ? ? ? ?? (@bang_gogo_) February 13, 2019
The device has a blue color scheme and glossy finish. We can also see the triple rear camera set up at the back. One of the image from Bang Gogo appears to be wrapped in a protective case.
As we have reported earlier, the Mi 9 will feature a design similar to the OnePlus 6T and will come with a 6.4-inch AMOLED Notched display with 19.5:9 aspect ratio and full HD+ resolution.
The device is expected to feature an in-display fingerprint sensor and will be fueled by a 3,500mAh battery with 32W fast charging support.