Huawei is all set to launch its latest P30 series smartphone in Paris, France on March 26th. At its upcoming launch event, Huawei is widely expected to launch the Huawei P30 ad the Huawei P30 Pro smartphone at the event. Huawei is also expected to launch the Huawei P30 Lite aka Nova 4iNow, which was recently spotted on Tenaa with triple rear camera setup. However, ahead of its official launch, Geekbench listing has now revealed some of the key specs of the upcoming Huawei P30 Pro drive.
The listing shows that the Huawei P30 Pro will be powered by a Huawei’s Kirin 980 chipset. which is an octa-core processor clocked at 1.80 GHz. The listing also reveals that the phone will have 8GB of RAM and will run on Android 9 Pie out of the box.
As for its design, previously leaked renders and the transparent case of the Huawei P30 Pro have revealed that the phone will come with a teardrop Notch on the display. The phone is also expected to feature quad camera setup and in-display fingerprint sensor.
Recently, Huawei CEO Richard Yu shared the first teaser images of the upcoming P30 series, showing up the smartphones’ impressive lossless zoom capabilities. Yu shared the images on its official Weibo account which can find here.
No pricing and availability date has been revealed yet.