Samsung Electronics today announced the new 12GB LPDDR4X Mobile DRAM for next-generation mobiles. Samsung via its official blog post made the announcement and also confirmed that it has started the mass production of its highest-capacity mobile 12GB LPDDR4X Mobile DRAM.
“With mass production of the new LPDDR4X, Samsung is now providing a comprehensive lineup of advanced memory to power the new era of smartphones, from 12GB mobile DRAM to 512GB eUFS 3.0 storage,” said Sewon Chun, executive vice president of Memory Marketing at Samsung Electronics. “Moreover, with the LPDDR4X, we’re strengthening our position as the premium mobile memory maker best positioned to accommodate rapidly growing demand from global smartphone manufacturers.”
The new Samsung 12 GB LPDDR4X Mobile DRAM is said to maximize the potential of smartphone that features more than five cameras, artificial intelligence, and 5G capabilities. The new DRAM is said to provide a seamless user experience on smartphones. The RAM will also provide fluid multitasking and faster searches on smartphones with larger displays.
It is just 1.1-millimeter thick, which makes it possible to be implemented even in a sleeker smartphone design. The RAM has been made combining six 16-gigabit (Gb) LPDDR4X chips based on the second-generation 10nm-class (1y-nm) process into a single package so that it can provide more space for the smartphone battery.