Vivo last month launched its latest V series smartphone in India called the Vivo V15 Pro. If you recall, Vivo back in July last year unveiled its first pop-selfie camera phone called the Vivo NEX. Now Vivo is again going to launch a new pop-selfie camera phone called the Vivo X27 on March 19, 2019, in China. The new Vivo X27 would be the successor to the last year launched Vivo X23, which was launched with a waterdrop notched camera.
In a Weibo post today, Vivo officially shared the launch poster of the upcoming Vivo X27 confirming that the phone will be launched on March 19. The Vivo X27 was recently spotted on Tenaa revealing various specs details about the device.
Vivo X27 Specifications (Expected)
The Tenaa listing has revealed that the Vivo X27 will be powered by Snapdragon 710 SoC coupled with 8 GB RAM. It also revealed that the phone will feature a 6.39-inch Full-HD+ AMOLED display and will have 256 GB of storage onboard.
Another image also revealed that the Vivo X27 will sport a triple rear camera setup like seen on the recently launched Oppo F11 Pro. The camera setup will include a 48-megapixel, 13-megapixel, and 5-megapixel sensors. The phone is expected to pack a 3,920 mAh battery and will run on Android Pie out-of-the-box. There is also a possibility of an in-display fingerprint sensor.
There are no details available on its pricing and availability as yet.