AMD’s upcoming Ryzen 7 2700X 50th Anniversary Edition processor is set to be released next week. However, it looks like the upcoming Processor is already up for sale and have been listed on a Chinese online store Jingdong. However, the site doesn’t list the price, but, iThome reports the price to be at 2449 Yuan, which is around (Rs. 25,500 INR), ($363). As previously expected, the upcoming AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 50th Anniversary Edition Processor comes with a 50th-anniversary gold package having a signature from AMD CEO Lisa Su.
According to the iThome reports, the upcoming 50th Anniversary Edition AMD processor will cost 200 yuan more than the standard version. There is also no difference in terms of speed and other specifications between the standard and the 50th Anniversary Edition.
iThome report also suggests that AMD will also launch a new 50th Anniversary Edition for its newly launched high-end Radeon VII graphics card, that will comes with all the specs of the Standard version of the Radeon VII graphics card.
The only difference users will get with the upcoming 50th Anniversary Edition is the new 50th-anniversary gold package box signed with AMD CEO Lisa Su.