Just two days after Realme launched its budget smartphone the Realme 3 Pro alongside Realme C2 in India. A new Realme device having model number RMX1901 has just been spotted on Chinese certifications site Tenaa. There is another device with Model number RMX1851 have also been spotted on Tenaa, But that’s the model number of recently launched Realme 3 Pro in India.
However, the RMX1901 is a new and an unannounced Realme device that we have not heard about yet. The Tenaa listing of the new Realme device with model number RMX1901 appear with a gradient blue color finish at its back.
The phone also appears to have a dual vertically staged rear camera set up at the center of its back. As there is no visible fingerprint sensor at its back, we expect the upcoming Realme device with model number RMX1901 to come with an in-display fingerprint sensor. The phone also appears to come with no notch at the display, and it is expected that the phone will possibly feature a 6.5-inch Full HD+ resolution display.
Moreover, the Tenaa listing also reveals that the phone will packs a 3680mAH battery that will also support VOOC 3.0 fast charging. The upcoming Realme device is expected to come running Android 9 Pie out of the box. The new phone is expected to come with improved specifications over the Realme 3 Pro.
Both the new smartphone are expected to launch in China soon. However, there is no exact release date has been announced yet.