Xiaomi today launched its Redmi 7 smartphone in India. The phone was unveiled last month in China. As its main highlights, the new Redmi 7 smartphone comes with Aura Smoke gradient design and packs a powerful 4,000mAh battery, Snapdragon 632 SoC, and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection display. The phone also features a fingerprint sensor at its back and dual rear camera setup.
Redmi 7 Specifications
The phone comes with a 6.26-inch HD+ (720×1520 pixels) display along with a 19:9 aspect ratio and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection. The phone features a Snapdragon 632 SoC, paired with 2GB or 3GB of RAM. The new Redmi 7 offers 32GB inbuilt storage option, which is expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB). Redmi 7 runs on MIUI 10 based on Android 9 Pie out of the box.
In the camera department, the new Redmi 7 sports dual rear camera setup with a 12-megapixel main camera and a 2-megapixel secondary sensor. Up front, there is an 8-megapixel selfie camera, that comes with AI portrait mode as well as AI Beautify 4.0.
Redmi 7 Price and Availability
Redmi 7 (2GB+32GB) variant has been priced at Rs. 7,999 and the (3GB+32GB) variant is at Rs. 8,999. The phone will go on its first sale starting at 12 noon on 29th April 2019, via Amazon India, Mi.com, and Mi Home stores.