Realme’s upcoming flagship the Realme X is set to launch on May 15 in China. Now, ahead of its official launch date Realme has shared the first official image of the Realme X. Realme shared the image on its Weibo account today. By sharing the official images of the Realme X, the company also confirmed the device launch date on May 15 and also that the Realme X will be available in two color options including Punk Blue and Steam White with a pop-up camera module.
A recent Tenaa listing of the Realme X showed us that the phone will possibly feature a 6.5-inch Full HD+ resolution display. The display will have a screen-to-body ratio of 91.2 percent.
The new official image now also confirms that the Realme X will feature an in-display fingerprint sensor, pop-selfie camera and the dual rear camera setup on its back. The Weibo post today also confirmed that the Realme X will indeed come with a 48-megapixel main camera. The secondary camera is expected to be of 5-megapixel.
#RealmeX official colours-
Punk Blue and Steam White.— Sudhanshu Ambhore (@Sudhanshu1414) May 13, 2019
Tenaa listing also revealed that the phone will packs a 3680mAH battery that will also support VOOC 3.0 fast charging. The Tenaa listing confirmed that the Realme X will come running Android 9 Pie out of the box.
Realme X is expected to come in three variants including 6GB RAM + 64GB storage, 6GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage. Realme X will be launched on May 15th, in Beijing China at Magic Art Center.
However, there are no pricing and availability date has been announced yet as yet.