Xiaomi at its Smarter Living 2020 event on Tuesday launched four new TV models under its Mi TV line up in India. The new Mi TV models include Mi TV 4A 40-inch, Mi TV 4X 43-inch, Mi TV 4X 50-inch and Mi TV 4X 65-inch. Based on their respective price point all the new TV models come with their own set of features and specs. Among other things, all four models of the Mi TV comes with PatchWall 2.0, which is the new version of the company’s smart TV user interface and it brings access to live news without any registrations or log-ins. All the TV models also run on Android 9.0 out of the box. Now let’s check out the price, specifications, and availability of the newly launched Mi TVs.
Mi TV 4A 40-inch, Mi TV 4X 43-inch, Mi TV 4X 50-inch and Mi TV 4X 65-inch Price and Availability in India
You can check out the prices for the four models of the newly launched Mi TVs below.
- Mi TV 4X 163.9cm (65) – Rs. 54,999
- Mi TV 4X 125.7cm (50) – Rs. 29,999
- Mi TV 4X 108cm (43) – Rs. 24,999
- Mi TV 4A 100cm (40) – Rs. 17,999
All the Mi TV models will go on sale starting September 29th, 2019 midnight.
Actually, except for the bigger screens and higher resolution, there aren’t any big differences in the specifications of the new TV models. Check out the quick specs sheet below for the three models.
Mi TV 4A 40-inch, Mi TV 4X 43-inch, Mi TV 4X 50-inch and Mi TV 4X 65-inch Specifications
Specifications | Mi TV 4A 40-inch | Mi TV 4X 43-inch | Mi TV 4X 50-inch | Mi TV 4X 65-inch |
Display | Full HD Display with 1920×1080 Resolution and Refresh Rate:60Hz | 4K HDR 10-bit UHD Display with Resolution:3840 x 2160 and Refresh Rate:60Hz | 4K HDR 10-bit UHD Display with Resolution:3840 x 2160 and Refresh Rate:60Hz | 4K HDR 10-bit UHD Display with Resolution:3840 x 2160 and Refresh Rate:60Hz |
Speakers | 20W speakers with Dolby+ DTS-HD | 20W speakers with Dolby+ DTS-HD | 20W speakers with Dolby+ DTS-HD | 20W speakers with Dolby+ DTS-HD |
PatchWall 2.0 | Yes, with 700,000+ hrs of content | Yes, with 700,000+ hrs of content | Yes, with 700,000+ hrs of content | Yes, with 700,000+ hrs of content |
Android TV | YES, Android 9.0 | YES, Android 9.0 | YES, Android 9.0 | YES, Android 9.0 |
Smart TV | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Google Assistant | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Netflix + Prime Video + Hotstar | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Bluetooth | YES, Bluetooth 5.0. | YES, Bluetooth 5.0. | YES, Bluetooth 5.0. | YES, Bluetooth 5.0. |
Data Saver Feature | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Body and Design | Metal Design with Ultra-slim Bezels | Metal Design with Ultra-slim Bezels | Metal Design with Ultra-slim Bezels | Metal Design with Ultra-slim Bezels |
Ports | USB:2.0×2, HDMI:3(1 contain ARC, AV:1, Ethernet:1, Earphone Out:1, WIFI:2.4GHz LAN:1 | USB:2.0×2, HDMI:3(1 contain ARC, AV:1, Ethernet:1, Earphone Out:1, WIFI:2.4GHz LAN:1 | USB:2.0×2, HDMI:3(1 contain ARC, AV:1, Ethernet:1, Earphone Out:1, WIFI:2.4GHz LAN:1 | USB:2.0×3 HDMI:3(1 contain ARC) AV:1, Ethernet:1, Earphone Out:1 WIFI:2.4GHz/5GHz, CI+ card:1, LAN1, Optical1, RF Socket:2 |
CPU, GPU and RAM | Amlogic Cortex A53 Quad-core RAM:1GB DDR GPU:Mali-450 MP3 | Amlogic Cortex A53 Quad-core RAM:1GB DDR GPU:Mali-450 MP3, Storage:8GB | Amlogic Cortex A53 Quad-core RAM:2GB DDR GPU:Mali-450 MP3, Storage:8GB | CPU:Amlogic Cortex A55 Quad-core RAM:2GB DDR GPU:Mali-470 MP3 Storage:16GB |