Steam Remote Play Together Beta Now Live to Let Everyone Play Local Multiplayer Games Online

Steam Remote Play Together
Image: Steam

Steam on Monday launched its new Remote Play Together Beta feature that will allow any steam user play local multiplayer games with their Steam feirnds online. After you friend accepts your request you can start playing by launching any local multiplayer games togather online.

According to the official announcement, new Steam Remote Play Together feature will allow you to play local multiplayer games online with up to four people. However, Valve says that the Remote Play Together can support more people in “ideal conditions.”


Now, the best thing about the new Steam Remote Play Together feature is that, it only requires you (host) to own and install the game and rest of your friends can join and play the game through the Steam Remote Play Together feature.

Valve also says that your friends controllers will act as if they’re plugged directly into your computer. But don’t worry, the Steam Remote Play Together feature will allow them see the game only but not any other stuffs on your PC or latops.

You will also be abale to voice chat with your friend while playing togather using the Steam’s built-in voice chat feature. With the Steam Remote Play Together feature you can play together across PC, Mac, and Linux.

Valve say that the Remote Play Together Beta will allow them to improve network stability and compatibility across a variety of hardware. You can join for the Steam Remote Play Together Beta here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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