Overwatch 2 Has Received Most Negative Metacritic Score by 1325 User Ratings

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 has got the most negative Metacritic score of 80 with 26 Critic Reviews and 1325 User Ratings. While it feels like the same game, Overwatch 2 has some distinct differences. The microtransaction system is widely criticized, and its load times are often abysmal. Players will also find that some features are missing. However, the developers are working hard to fix the problems that users are experiencing. Despite the low scores by Metacritic users, some Overwatch 2 boosters seem to think the game is here to stay.

The main reason that Overwatch 2 has a low Metacritic score is that many players are experiencing issues with the game. Many players are reporting long queue times and server problems. The game has a negative Metacritic score of 80 (26 Critic Reviews vs. 1325 User Ratings). This means that people are having a very difficult time playing the game. Regardless of the issues, many players have expressed dissatisfaction with the game.


Overwatch 2

The game offers new gameplay modes, new heroes, and new maps, as well as a competitive 5v5 game mode. Fans of the original Overwatch will likely feel disoriented by the change in gameplay and visuals. However, the new game modes and characters add an exciting new dynamic to the franchise, as it introduces new characters and game modes.

Many fans have also complained about the lack of mobile compatibility in Overwatch 2. The game requires you to download a smartphone app, and Blizzard stated this was to protect the community from cheaters.

However, many players have expressed frustration with this, and Blizzard has withdrawn this requirement for some players. In addition, the game has a large number of bugs. Reddit users have shared numerous videos of bugs in the game. Overwatch 2 is also notorious for incorrectly displaying locked items.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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