How to Outsource PPC Needs to Give You the Most Benefit

Outsourcing PPC

Outsourcing your pay-per-click (PPC) marketing needs saves time, money, and resources. But with so many agencies out there, how do you choose the best? This article shares five tips to help you find your business’s most qualified and experienced PPC agency partner.

5 Tips to Picking the Right PPC Ad Firm for Your Business 

PPC can do wonders for your online marketing plan. It delivers fast results, drives targeted traffic, and allows you to test different campaigns quickly.


But it also requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Outsourcing is a great option if you do not have the time or resources to manage your own PPC efforts.

Below are five tips to help you pick the right PPC vendor for your business.

1. Have a Clear Idea of Your Brand and Objectives

One of the common mistakes many business owners make is to let their hired digital marketing agencies define their brand. The message becomes muddled, and the objectives fail to align with what you want.

Before you even search for the best PPC firm to handle your account, you must have a concise brand and objective. You can figure these out by asking these questions:

  • How do you differ from your competitors? What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?
  • What problem or challenge are you trying to solve with your product or service?
  • How do you see your business in the next few months, one year, or even a decade?
  • What values do you hold dear and that you share with your customers? Is it loyalty, good customer support, or affordability?
  • If you were to create a persona for your customers, what would this look like? How old are they? Where do they live? What is their lifestyle, income, or dreams?

Based on your answers, you can now make a brand kit to present to your future PPC agency. It normally includes:

  • Logo, slogan, and other visuals
  • A mission statement
  • Unique value proposition (UVP)
  • Brand voice and tone
  • Target market

2. Consider Your Budget

According to Digital Authority Partners (DAP), one of your major considerations in outsourcing to a PPC firm is your budget. Other experts also agree.

PPC platforms and programs give you plenty of flexibility and control over your spending. However, you need to achieve a careful balance between quality and cost. Otherwise, you may underspend and get minimal results or overspend and exhaust your resources.

But how do you determine your budget? How do you use the information to help you pick the right PPC team?

  • Look into your competitors. To be more specific, find those that share your niche, expertise, experience, and target market. Although you cannot get an exact number, you can check on the keywords they use, how much they cost, and use other tools to know the ads they publish and the frequency.
  • Ask the PPC firm. An outsourcing team that looks out for you can give you an honest answer, depending on your objective, target market, ad types you like, and industry.
  • Check your available resources. How much do you have? What amount can you set aside for the campaigns?

3. Find a PPC Agency That Specializes in Your Niche

Working with a PPC marketing firm specializing in your industry or niche provides many benefits to your business. This team:

  • Possesses a clear understanding of the market competition
  • Designs campaigns that resonate with your target audience
  • Understands the customer’s journey and sales funnel
  • Knows where to cut costs to help you save money without compromising efficiency and output
  • Positions your brand to make it different from your competitor

Now, it is easy to make bold claims. It is another story when the agency can prove it knows your industry well. Use these tips to narrow down your choices and avoid generic advertising companies:

  • Ask for a case study that relates to your industry.
  • Check their portfolio to see if they have experience and knowledge in your sector.
  • Look into online reviews and feedback from their previous clients.
  • Ask them pointed questions about their strategies, methods, results, and campaigns they used for other brands.

4. Set Clear Expectations

When used effectively, PPC delivers excellent returns. It also bolsters the success of other digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing.

But it is not a miracle worker. Neither the agency nor you can wave a magic wand and get immediate results. It takes time to develop, track, analyze data, and adjust campaigns to reach optimum performance.

That is why it is essential to set realistic goals and expectations before signing a contract with your chosen PPC team, especially on the following:

  • Timeline. How long will it take to get results?
  • Goals. What are the expected outcomes or milestones? What metrics are you tracking to know if you are hitting the objectives?
  • Cost. PPC firms usually give you a quote, but is it too good to be true? How do they calculate their rates? Do they charge extra fees for the services and activities they perform?
  • Outcome. How will you measure success? What is the expected return?
  • Reporting. What information will you get from the agency? Will it be weekly, monthly, or quarterly?
  • Tools. What software and programs do they use to perform the job? Do you also need to pay for them? If you already have some of these applications, are they willing to use yours in exchange for a lower rate?
  • Experience. What is the team’s experience in your sector? How long have they been working with brands similar to yours?
  • Communication. Who is the point person? How often can you communicate with them? Do they offer 24/7 customer support?

5. Find a Team That Can Support Your Business Growth

Like other online marketing tactics, PPC becomes more effective the longer you invest in it. But it also means you should find a team willing to stick with you in the long haul (unless you are not happy with the results you are getting).

This trait is even more significant if you are planning to hire a white-label PPC agency. You will closely work with them not only to scale your business but also to support your customers.

You will know that the PPC agency has the desire and commitment to grow with you if:

  • They have a long list of loyal clients.
  • Their team consists of experienced and well-trained professionals.
  • The agency is open to suggestions and willing to adjust its strategies as the market changes.
  • They recommend new tactics that may help take your campaigns up a notch.
  • They are honest with you. The firm can tell you if your decisions are not making sense or are no longer working.

Summing Up

When it comes to paid advertising, success depends heavily on the team behind the campaigns. With these criteria in mind, you can find an agency worth your time and money.

But do take your time when choosing. Get references, ask for quotes from multiple agencies, and do your due diligence. You want to avoid costly and sometimes irreparable mistakes.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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