Seven Apps to Track Your Spending and Manage Your Money

Financial ruin is a lot easier to achieve than you’d think, but it can be avoided with the help of any one of the many financial management apps available. With these tools, users can track spending and account balances, stay updated on what bills are due and create a budget based on recurring expenses. With so many to choose from, however, a little help in finding the cream of the crop can go a long way. Below are the top seven.

Apps to Track Your Spending and Manage Your Money
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The Mint financial app syncs your financial accounts and makes the information viewable in one place. In terms of budgeting, the app tracks and breaks down spending into categories so users see a snapshot of what they’re spending and where and the app allows them to create a budget based on spending habits.

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Toshl Finance 
Toshl is a simpler app that’s designed for users who just want to track their expenses. With Toshl, you can enter expenses to get a snapshot of what percentage of your budget goes toward different types of purchases and you can create a family and household budget. Toshl also has a currency converter feature with up-to-date exchange rates, which is perfect for sticking to a budget when traveling.

Tricount is a must-have secondary app if you regularly split expenses with friends. The app does all the math for you, breaking down what each person owes whether you’re splitting the cost evenly or by a percentage. Each friend can then log in a check what they owe.

If you have a habit of paying bills after they’re due, Check is the answer. Instead of remembering different passwords and due dates, this app syncs information from all accounts, reminds users of upcoming payments and allows them to pay directly through the app. You’ll never miss a due date again.

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HomeBudget works on both desktop and mobile platforms and helps homeowners to stay on course financially. The app tracks income, the many expenses that come with home ownership and it allows users to create budgets and sub-budgets (such as a snack budget within the grocery budget).

You Need a Budget 
You Need a Budget is an app that’s designed to help people take control of their financial life with a four-rule method. The secret behind this app is it breaks available income into spending categories, which prevents you from overspending on anything. It creates a budget for the future based on the money you have today, not the money you’ll be getting in two weeks.

Manilla is a free app that syncs all of your financial accounts in one place and makes them accessible with one password. You can view statements, pay bills, track spending, create budgets and check balances all with just a few clicks.

Gone are the days of balancing your checkbook with pen and paper. New technologies and the interconnected world we live in has made it easier to assume financial responsibility. Hiring a trusted firm such as Abakhan & Associates Inc. for guidance on major financial investments is important, but incorporating the use of one of these apps into your daily routine will help you keep track of the little things so that you can afford the big ones.

Which one you like most? share with us in the comments below.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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