Top Tips You Wish You Knew Before Starting A Company

Equipped with bursting
self-confidence and years of experience, you have set your mind on founding
your own Company. Indeed, working in a competitive business environment for
years might seem enough to start believing you are ready for a solo project,
like a front man of a rock band who thinks he is ready to launch a solo career.
However, be it an individual entrepreneur or a rock star, some things cannot be
predicted, but should be learned from other people’s experience.
Top Tips You Wish You Knew Before Starting A Company
Two-year period for success
Some people do not know about
a two-year period, which is usually referred to as the period that is necessary
for a business to really take off. However, some business people think and
believe that they will manage the trick the system and get rich overnight. No
matter how ingenious or experienced you are, you will most probably have to
pass that two-year initiation. Trying to skip precious developing stages might
take you faster to the wanted position, but that initial success might wane
quicker than you think.
Don’t sacrifice your social life
Running your own company means
that you will have to make some changes in the way you live your life. It will
probably cause working at weekends and missing some social occasions.
Neglecting your social life completely, however, will have an effect contrary
to the one you want to achieve. If you burn all the social bridges, you will
have no people with whom you can let some work steam off when the business gets
hectic. It is important to know that a balanceof social and entrepreneurial life will yield best results. Getting too
obsessed with either one of them will reduce your productivity.
Unwanted tasks must be done
On the opposite side of the
sacrifice range are the moments at which you will be forced to miss an
important family or social event because of your business duties. For instance,
you want to get back from your business trip as fast as possible to have dinner
with your parents-in-law, but the conference you are attending lasts longer
than your thought it would.
Similar to that, you will
often have to collaborate with people and companies you do not really like.
During the period of climbing business ladder, no tasks should be refused,
whatsoever. Only when you build a business name, you can become a bit picky
about business projects.
Follow trends and use social media
Today everything happens so
quickly that people need some sort of track record of the events in their
lives. Social media are closest to that function. An entrepreneur has to be an
avid user of all the benefits those means of communication offer. Creating
accounts on Facebook or Google + to popularize your business, as well as
looking for employees on networks like LinkedIn are wise uses of those
In addition, always find an
hour or two per day to learn. Reading books aboutentrepreneurship and watching relevant webinars are two great ways for
improving your business knowledge.
Leave legal matters to experts
People sometimes become too
self-confident and start thinking they can do everything on their own. As a
result of thousands of online experts that
give advice on various matters, even intelligent and educated people decide to
use the information they find on forums, instead of hiring a real expert. It
can cause disastrous problems for a businessperson and even destroy their
business. Legal matters seem to be the trickiest ones for individual
entrepreneurs. That is why asking lawyers forbusiness legal advice is the smartest decision they can make. 
The excitement and freedom
that launching your own company brings are unparalleled with working for
somebody else. However, it is important to be patient with the business results
and always bring all the decisions in accordance with common sense and law. 
Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:

He is a passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur, Writer and Thinker. He has been blogging from last couple of years and love every thing about it. He covers almost every thing related to technology on his Blog,

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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