Legendary former WCW and WWE superstar Leon Allen White also known as “Big Van Vader” passed away at 63 on Monday, June 18. According to a twitter post his son, Jesse confirmed his death which you can find below.
In another tweet, Jesse wrote that his dad was suffering from a severe case of Pneumonia which was diagnosed last month and doctors had told him that he has only two more years to live.
It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that my father, Leon White, passed away on Monday night (6/18/18) at approximately 7:25pm. pic.twitter.com/dP4CNaMuXa
— Big Van Vader (@itsvadertime) June 20, 2018
Around a month ago my father was diagnosed with a severe case of Pneumonia. He fought extremely hard and clinically was making progress. Unfortunately, on Monday night his heart had enough and it was his time. pic.twitter.com/hJYjumvxjH
— Big Van Vader (@itsvadertime) June 20, 2018
However, it was the severe case of pneumonia which led to his death.