As always, Apex Legends data miners have always been digging deep into the game files revealing what might be coming to the game. This time, the Apex Legends data miners have found two new additions which might be coming soon to the Apex Legends. Twitter user, Austin Scriver who first spotted the two new codes in the Apex Legends data file revealed something called ‘Community Happy Hour’ and a possible Night Mode coming to the Apex Legends.
Apex Legends ‘Night Mode’
The screenshots here shared on his Twitter account shows a code that scripts a changing of the time from day to night and vice versa. The code suggests a possible night mode that might be coming to the game.
LEAK: Also there’s a Night Mode is development. That’s one of the most requested features after a reddditor showed how the map would like in the Night.
(via @AustinScriver)#ApexLegends #Apex #Apexlegendsbattleroyale #Apexlegendsleaks #ApexPartner #apexlegendsclips
— Apex Legends – News & Leaks (@RealApexLeaks) March 8, 2019
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Apex Legends ‘Community Happy Hour’
Austin also shared the screenshot of a data file from the Apex Legends game which reveals a code that scripts a ‘community happy hour’ code. At this point, it is not clear that what this new code is all about and how it’s going to be work.
LEAK: There’s something called a “Community Happy Time” in the Code. Idk what it means but I’ll just leave it here.
(via @AustinScriver)
#ApexLegends #Apex #Apexlegendsbattleroyale #Apexlegendsleaks #ApexPartner #apexlegendsclips #Apexlegendscommunity— Apex Legends – News & Leaks (@RealApexLeaks) March 8, 2019
For now, Apex Legends players will have to wait for an official release date for these two new addictions. Apex Legends was released on February 4, and the game recently made a record crossing 50 Million players mark in just one month since its launch.