HMD Global has finally launched its budget Android One smartphone the Nokia 4.2 in India. The Nokia 4.2 was the first unveiled alongside Nokia 3.2, Nokia 1 Plus, Nokia 210 at the Mobile World Congress in February this year. The new Nokia 4.2 will be available in two colors, Black and Pink Sand priced at Rs. 10,000 for the 3GB + 32GB variant. The company, however, hasn’t launched the 2GB RAM variant in India. Nokia 4.2 will on sale starting today at the company’s own online store. A week after on May 14, the phone will also be available through various other retail stores across the country.
Launch Offers
HMD Global is offering Rs. 500 instant discount on the purchase of Nokia 4.2 via the company’s online store. The discount offer can be avail using the promo code – LAUNCHOFFER until June 10, 2019. Additionally, Nokia is also offering free screen replacement on the device, which will be valid for six months.
Nokia 4.2 Specifications
The Nokia 4.2 comes with powered by Snapdragon 439 SoC coupled with 3GB of RAM and 16 or 32GB of internal storage, which can also be upgraded via a micro-SD card up to 400GB. The phone features a 5.71-inch HD+ TFT LCD display with Notch. I personally feel that the Nokia 4.2 is designed really well and looks quite beautiful especially from its back.
The phone also features a notification light on the power button on the side, and a dedicated Google Assistant button as well. This phone also supports both fingerprint and face unlock. The Nokia 4.2 sports a 13MP+2MP dual AI rear camera setup and an 8-megapixel selfie shooter on the front.
Other features include are, a 3,000mAh battery, Micro-USB 2.0 port, 3.5mm audio jack, Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.2, FM radio, 4G, and VoLTE as well as VoWiFi support.