Xiaomi is set to launch the new Redmi Note 7S on May 20. Redmi Note 7S will follow the recently launched Redmi Note 7 ad the Redmi Note 7 Pro smartphones. Now ahead of its official launch the official product page of the upcoming Redmi Note 7S is also live now on the Flipkart. The listing now also confirms that Redmi Note 7S will be available in India via Flipkart online store. The Redmi Note 7S product page on Flipkart also confirms that the phone will come with a dual AI rear camera setup same as we have seen on the Redmi Note 7 and Note 7 Pro.
The listing also again confirms that the Redmi Note 7S will feature a main 48MP camera. However, Xiaomi hasn’t shared any other details regarding the upcoming Redmi Note 7S smartphone. Hopefully, we will know more on its official release date on May 20.
Earlier today, Global VP of Xiaomi Manu Kumar Jain shared a new image showing up the company’s upcoming and the new Redmi Note 7S smartphone. The variant Manu showed off today was in red color, confirming that the phone will be available in Red color option. You can check out his tweet below.
The feeling when you get your hands on #RedmiNote7S. ?
I generally don’t dress up like this, but posing with this amazing #48MP camera phone is special. ? How do you like this steaming hot Red coloured Gorilla Glass 5 back? ?
Launch on Monday!#Xiaomi ❤️ #48MPForEveryone pic.twitter.com/BsHlwEJahM
— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) May 17, 2019
As for the price of the upcoming Redmi Note 7S, we expect it to be similar around the price of the Redmi Note 7 or the Note 7 Pro.