The Samsung Galaxy A30 smartphone launched in India earlier this year alongside the Galaxy A10 and the Galaxy A50 in three color options Black, Blue, and Red. Now, Samsung has finally made a new color available in the country for users who like to shine with the white. Yes, Samsung Galaxy A30 is now available in a new White color option in India. The new Samsung Galaxy A30 in white color can now be purchased from the official Samsung website.
The new white color variant of the Samsung Galaxy A30 is available for Rs.15,490 with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. Notably, the Galaxy A30 was originally priced at Rs. 16,990. Though, the new white color variant of the Galaxy A30 is priced cheaper than the price of its Red color variant which launched in India earlier in April this year price at Rs. 16,990.
Galaxy A50 and Galaxy A30 Specifications
The Galaxy A30 features a 6.4-inch FHD+ (1080×2340) Super AMOLED infinity-O display with waterdrop Notch. The phone is powered by an Exynos 7904 processor coupled with 3GB + 32GB and 4GB + 64GB RAM and storage option. The device also runs on Android 9 Pie out of the box. The Galaxy A30 also features a 4,000mAh battery with 15W fast charging support and USB Type-C port.
On the camera side, the Galaxy A30 comes with a dual rear camera 16MP+5MP camera with an ultra wide-angle lens. It ports a single 16MP front camera with f/2.0 aperture.