Seems like Huawei is all set to launch its upcoming Mate 20 X G5 variant in China on July 26. According to a launch invite sent out earlier today, Huawei will launch its upcoming Mate 20 X G5 on July 26 in China after making its way to UK and UAE. According to the invite, the Huawei Mate 20 X 5G launch event will kick off on July 26 at 2:30 PM on coming Friday in China.
However, the leaked invite doesn’t reveal any other details including the price and availability of the device. However, it is expected that the Mate 20 X 5G device will be available through China Unicom operator in the country.
The big highlight of the Mate 20 X 5G is that the phone comes with the 5G network support, triple rear camera setup that borrows Mate 20 Pro’s triple camera setup including a 40-megapixel primary lens, an 8-megapixel secondary sensor, and a 20-megapixel lens.
Other highlights include Kirin 980 based on 7nm Mobile AI Chipset, 6.39-inch QHD+ with 1440×3120 pixels resolution display, in-screen fingerprint sensor and it is also IP68 water and dust resistance certified.
To recall, the Huawei Mate 20 X 5G was recently launched in the UK and UAE. Now Huawei seems to be finally going to launch the device in the Chinese market. We will update this post as we get more details on the device China launch.