Last week Redmi teased its first 64MP smartphone camera sample by showing up a zoomed-in image into a cats’ eyes. Now, Realme has announced that it will unveil and show off world’s first 64MP Quad Camera on a smartphone at Realme camera innovation event on August 8 in New Delhi. However, Realme hasn’t shared any other details on its first Quad Camera smartphone that it’s going to unveil on August 8.
Realme has also shared a teaser image on its official twitter account which shows companies first Quad Camera setup. We can also see the 64MP written below the first camera among others.
We are taking a leap in smartphone camera on 8th August and we are doing it here in India. Get ready as we unveil the world’s first 64MP Quad Camera on a smartphone at our camera innovation event. And this is among the first surprise of the season. Stay Tuned! #LeapToQuadCamera
— Madhav X (@MadhavSheth1) August 2, 2019
Realme is calling its 64MP quad-camera technology as a leap to Quad camera and it’s using a hashtag as #LeapToQuadCamera. We will know more about the Realme’s upcoming 64MP Quad Camera smartphone on August 8 till then we will have to wait for the Realme camera innovation event.