Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4 Brings Alatreon, Two New Summer Events and More


Yuri Araujo, social media & community manager at Capcom U.S.A via PlayStation official blog post today announced that Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4, which was originally slated to launch this May, will now finally release on July 9 at 00:00 UTC (that’s July 8 at 5:00 pm PDT / 1:00 am BST).

Yuri also announced that the upcoming update will bring a new legendary “Blazing Black Dragon” Alatreon to the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Notably, Alatreon is the key highlight of the upcoming Iceborne title update 4.


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4 Release Date

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4 will be available for free starting July 9 at 00:00 UTC, July 8 at 5:00 pm PDT (1:00 am BST).

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4 and Summer Events

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4 will also bring two new special summer events.

1- Iceborne Sizzling Spice Fest Event

The first event called the Sizzling Spice Fest is a Summer Seasonal Event and it will run from July 21 at 5:00 pm PDT (1:00 am BST) through August 6 at 4:59 pm PDT (12:59 am BST).

This event is said to feature lots of feathers, meat dishes, and various monster-themed gear for you to craft. In this event, you will be able to craft a new Armor Set, Layered Armor, Palico Gear, Weapon Pendants, and more

2- Iceborne limited-time Event Quest Event “The Last White Knight”

“The Last White Knight” is a limited-time Event Quest to hunt a new Variant monster, recently discovered by the Guild: Frostfang Barioth

“The Last White Knight” Event Quest will be available from August 6 at 5:00 pm PDT (1:00 am BST) through August 19 at 4:59 pm PDT (12:59 am BST).

NOTE: Before you can face the Special Assignment to hunt Alatreon, you must be MR 24 or higher and have completed at least the Safi’jiiva Recon Assignment.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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