How to Manually Backup Your Ipod, Iphone or Ipad

Apple’s iTunes is supposed to automatically create a backup of the content on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad every time you sync your device. This is done as a precaution so that important data like your settings or personal documents aren’t lost as the result of a syncing error. Many people don’t realize that you can automatically tell iTunes to create an identical backup whenever you’d like. If you don’t feel like syncing your device but still want to create a backup, or if it’s been awhile since backups and you just want to make sure you have the most updated archive possible on your computer, creating your own manual backup is a necessity. Luckily, it’s also very easy. In this quick tutorial we show you how to manually back up your devices; something you should definitely do if you spend a lot of time and money on your Apple products!

Image Source: Creative Commons Flicker Image Credit: Photo Giddy

Step 1
Plug your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad into the computer you use to sync with iTunes. Use the same white cable you use whenever you’re performing a regular syncing operation. Note that under default settings this will cause iTunes to open automatically. If iTunes does not open automatically for some reason (or if you’ve disabled this function), open iTunes at this time.


Step 2
Wait a few moments for iTunes to recognize that your Apple iOS device is plugged into your computer. When this happens, the name you’ve given to your device will be displayed under the “Devices” title on the left side of the screen.

Step 3
Right click the name of your Apple iOS device. A new context menu will appear over the main iTunes window on screen.

Step 4
Click “Back Up.” iTunes will immediately get to work on creating a backup of the current settings on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.

Step 5
Do not unplug your device, turn off your computer or close iTunes until the backup has been successfully created. You can track the progress of the backup at the top of iTunes in the box that displays artist and album information when you play a song. You will be able to tell when the backup is complete when the phrase “Backing Up” disappears and the window contains no additional information.

And that’s it really. It’s a good idea to sync your devices regularly and create backups every time you make significant changes or downloads – that way you can always ensure everything is safe, secure and protected!

 Jospeh Stannard
About the Author:

Jospeh Stannard recently got a new iPhone contract and has been anxious to keep everything synched and stored.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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