Samsung’s newly launched Galaxy S10+ has received a new OTA update in India. The update as first spotted by popular Indin tech YouTuber GeekyRanjit weighs around 496.25MB in size. Ranjit also shared the screenshot of the OTA on his Twitter account today. He noted, that the latest update as its most notable feature adds improvements to the fingerprint recognition. Notably, several Galaxy S10+ users including Ranjit have reported the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner to be a bit flaky.
Additionally, the latest Galaxy S10+ update also brings stability improvements to the camera app and February 1st security patch level. In another tweet, Ranjit shared some more details about the latest Galaxy S10+ regarding the improvements of the fingerprint recognition.
Just a quick updates tested the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner after this update and there is a good improvement now.
Earlier I would say it used to work 75% of the time now it’s like 90+% of the time and way more responsive.
— Ranjit (@geekyranjit) March 2, 2019
Ranjit shared, that after installing and testing the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner on his Galaxy S10+ he received around 15% improved performance on the fingerprint responsiveness.
To recall, Samsung recently launched its new Galaxy S10 line up including the Galaxy S10e, S10, and the S10+. All the three devices are the first to come with an ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensor. Alongside the Galaxy S10 line up, Samsung also unveiled its first Galaxy S10 5G variant and the first foldable phone called the Galaxy Fold.