As it was mentioned in the latest Samsung Android update roadmap, the Galaxy J4+ now getting the Android 9.0 Pie update. In addition, the Pie update is also rolling out to the Galaxy J4 and Galaxy J6+ and brings the One UI interface along with April 2019 security update.
The update on Samsung Galaxy J4+ has been spotted in Vietnam, Thailand, and Ukraine while the J4 is receiving the update in Panama. The Galaxy J6+ update is rolling out in Germany, Iraq, and India. As per the changelog, the update weighs more than 1GB and comes with Android Pie features.
The One UI feature will completely change the user interface of the phone and will make it even easier for users to access the phone. It’s important to note that the Android Pie update is rolling out in stages via OTA so only a small number of users will get initially.
A wider roll-out is expected in the coming days.